
Hello! This is the seventh devlog for the game Seeking Asylum for the AMES showcase. This build may be our last unless we are selected to be one of the two contestants making it into the contest. This build includes fully fixed textured and furnished rooms and a few more extra rooms. This build also includes more to interact with in the environment as drawers are now put in way more rooms and are more seen. This update doesn't include too many new gameplay features as everything we have planned gameplay-wise is not quite there to be put in the game and we had our sights mainly focused on fixing bugs and getting the new rooms into the game.  Thank you for supporting our game!


      What's new


- New refurbished/retextured rooms

- New game over screens




-Furniture may not have collisions

-Two doors

-Player can phase through walls

-When in a locker stamina doesn't recharge

-No elevator

(If you find a bug add a comment on this devlog! <3 )

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