
Hello! This is the third devlog for the game Seeking Asylum for the AMES showcase.  This build includes half of the big graphics update promised in the last devlog but also includes a few more big features like audio! With this build having half of the big graphics this means that there will be a mix of updated and non-updated rooms. In the next build, the graphics update will be completely there and will have all the rooms textured and new updated doors, and so on.  This build also includes a lot of bug fixes and optimization changes and a few UI changes. There will also not be a fourth build next week as we are going on spring break but after this upcoming week, we will be back on our normal weekly build schedule.  Thanks for looking into our game!


      What's new


-Graphics update





-Player height




-Player collisions can bug out

-Pausing in the main game does not work

-If you pause in the tutorial it can mess it up

(If you find a bug add a comment on this devlog! <3 )

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