Devlog #1 - Freya Earl
Kabuki Mask » Devlog
Hello, I’m Freya here to introduce our game, temporarily called "Kabuki Mask!" This game is part of the 2026 AMES Showcase Game Jam. The theme "The Masks We Wear" inspired us to give the player a set of different masks, with each one multiple different abilities. Sadly, we didn't get much done in terms of the first build, and we spent most of the time so far making stuff for later iterations, writing the story or planning out all of the player's future abilities
What we have so far:
- Enemy Patrol like in Mario and chase the player when on screen, but return when they go off screen.
- Player can move and jump
- Tons of Concept Art
- Story planned
What we have planned:
- Elemental masks that will give the player new abilities to be used on enemies
- 3 different Enemy Types
- 4 Bosses
- Dialogue in Cutscenes and before final boss fight (That’s my primary job :D )
- Platformer style levels
What’s coming in It2:
- We have Player mechanics and attack
- A playable Level 1
- Enemies
- Player and Enemy Sprites
- Hopefully Kappa mask (water)
- Background Art
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